Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Introductions Seem Appropriate

One could argue that there are plenty of blogs out there offering free advice on how to parent, have a successful marriage, etc. So the question is, why does this one exist? What makes this one any more or less helpful? Why should anyone spend even a few seconds skimming the surface content?

To begin, I'm 33, a father of three (soon to be four) children, and a husband, married for eight years. Two of my children are considered "special needs", with a mix of ADD, Asperger's, and speech delays. My wife also has challenges of ADD. To be honest, this blog is just as much for me as for anyone else out there. Sometimes, a good "brain dump" is helpful and, in a sense, restful. 

The take away from the writings to follow is not a sob story. My goal is to inspire the husbands and dads who face the same struggles and to realize there is still hope and the day-to-day drags are winnable. There are many blogs and support groups out there for moms and I know they need them. What I don't see much of, is the same for men, who face different struggles. Moms will always win the gold medal in raising children. While we (men of the house) are away at work, there are ten hours of considerable energy burning for moms taking care of little, demanding people. Having declared such, I would like to note that just because we men disappear to work and be providers, does not suggest we are not carrying a heavy load ourselves. There is a mountain atop our backs, consisting of the stress of keeping a job, "being there" for our kids and wives, ensuring that our families have a safe and reliable home, instilling value in our kids, affirming our marriage, etc.etc. etc. It is this mountain that I will be writing of.

How do you "win" at being a husband and father when the burdens seem to outweigh the benefits? Start with prayer. I will shamelessly admit that I'm a Christian and believer in the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Without Him, my family and I would be dead spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Don't take this mean that my life is perfect, that all my kids consistently obey, and my marriage is "microscope" flawless. I'm still human, prone to mistakes. Lots of mistakes. That's why I need Jesus so desperately, because my strength, my grace, my fortitude fails me. Constantly. But Jesus has the power, love, and mercy to forgive and let us try again. His strength, grace, and fortitude never fail. 

"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." - John 14:27

The posts to come will sound very different, and will include all the gritty details of life as it happens. I do hope you enjoy these writings and that it helps others to bear the daily burden.

Thanks for reading,

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