Friday, January 9, 2015

Take a Break and Breathe

If you're like me, and you feel like you should be in constant motion with your kids to feel like a good dad, let's just to cut to the quick and call that what it is; perhaps the single best way to lose your mind. It's true, dads have a job of being involved, giving positive attention, guidance, and (yes, the big one) discipline, but don't let these fool you into thinking that every waking moment must be consumed in attending to children. I will not dispute the gravity of these jobs, that they are all necessary, and require boat loads of time. I will make the case, however, that in order to succeed in doing these jobs, dads need to breathe. 

What I'm after in this post is NOT to build an argument for men to leave their wives high and dry at any given moment. DON'T DO THAT. Rather, I'm suggesting a meaningful conversation about taking two to three hours at agreed, scheduled times that give dads the needed moments to destress and moms the predictability of how you will help and be in the moment when home. I would further venture to state that dads should be willing to provide moms with the same arrangement. In this way, married couples can combat the extreme challenges of raising children (especially special needs children) while holding on to a few moments of peace.
My wife and I have been using this approach for many months, and I can see the relief it has brought the both of us. 

Don't be afraid of taking a break. It doesn't make you weak. In fact, refusing to take a break WILL make you weak. Breathe. Rest. Recharge.

"A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones." -Proverbs 17:22

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